Friday, December 21, 2012

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

Wishing all of our partners a very Merry Christmas & Happy New Year from all of us at
K & L Freight Management!

K & L Freight Management Office Staff 2012 Holiday Party

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

We've Moved!

K & L Freight Management has officially moved our corporate headquarters to:
745 South Rohlwing Rd, Addison, IL 60101

Our main phone number, fax lines and direct extensions have all be changed:

Main Line 630-607-1500  |  Main Fax 630-628-6022
Please update your records accordingly and check back for more updates on our awesome new home!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Hello Again!

Happy Tuesday!

It has been too long! A lot has happened over the past few weeks. A week ago I successfully closed on my house. Ken and I thought it was stressful to pack and get out of our apartment, but we had no idea how hard it would be to unpack.

I must say we are doing a great job. 8 days in and we are almost unpacked, have carpet installed, and have the entire house painted.

Our next project will be to put up a new backsplash and gut the fireplace and put up new stone. Considering I don't know how to do any of this, it should be very interesting.

Wish me luck!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Dancing to Victory Lane

Monday Monday Monday... YAYYY! Ha Ha

This morning was the first time in a long time that I actually feel well rested. Ken and I spent a few days hanging out with our family and believe it or not, we actually went grocery shopping! Grocery shopping is something that would seem like nothing special, but we haven't gone since the middle of January, so it was much needed.

Saturday night we hung out with Ken's family, and that was such a riot! We were singing, dancing, and falling over laughing. Generally speaking, I am not a very good dancer at all... but the one move I seem to have nailed down is the moon walk. That being said, we just kept playing a bunch of Michael Jackson songs so I could keep doing my one move.

Sunday afternoon was a little disappointing, the Daytona 500 was on a rain delay all day, and then got rescheduled for today at noon. Last year I was a fan of Jeff Burton #31 but this year, I have officially switched! I am now a Clint Bowyer fan! (#15) He is racing for 5Hour Energy! Plus after the race for 1st place Jeff vs. Clint, Clint defiantly stepped it up and made it to Victory Lane.

Tonight I will be watching the race with Ken, so no one tell me the ending!!!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Snow Delays Chicago Area Freight Alert

It's been a relatively easy winter on the Midwest, but this evening is expected to snow, snow, snow!  Our dispatch team will keep you updated on freight pick up and delivery ETAs but feel free to call us at 800-770-9007 at any time.  Land and air freight delays are expected.  Airlines, like Southwest, are already starting to send out cargo alerts for flight cancellations:

"Please be advised that due to impending weather Southwest Airlines has canceled all flights inbound and outbound Chicago Midway Airport from 6:00 pm Thursday February 23, 2012 until 9:30 pm Thursday February 23, 2012." ~Southwest Cargo Team

All flights in and out of Chicago Midway and O'Hare International are expected to be delayed or canceled during this time.

As the snow storm moves through the end of the week, expect delays from Michigan to New York.

As an expedited freight specialist, our job is to give your hot freight the best odds out there to get from point A to point B, ASAP. Our resilient dispatch team will stop at nothing to track and do whatever it takes for your freight to arrive safe and sound, so you can rest easy!


Monday, February 20, 2012

The Perfect Recipe

Saturday night Ken left to go on a 6 day -boys only- snowmobile trip. Even though I am glad he is having a great time with the guys, I have to admit, one small part of me would love to be their. I would love to be their to watch him ride, and laugh a little when all the old men pass him going 80+ miles an hour. Ha ha.
:-) (Mr. S that is a compliment!)

Last year he came home with a story that made me a little upset. Their was a man giving out free Husky puppies, and Ken was about to take one... but then he didn't. I told him this year if anyone is handing out puppies, he better bring one home to me!

Even though Koot is sad that his Daddy isn't home, he is still having fun. This morning he did P90x2 with me! While I workout he took a nap and then decided he wanted to participate. So while I was doing push ups I was also throwing his little tennis ball for him to chase.

This week is going to be a very fun week! I will be able to have some "me" time and really start working on designing my new house! Tonight I plan to learn a little Spanish, pick out furniture, and watch a chick flick! That is a recipe for a perfect - boy free - Monday night!

If you need my assistance please contact me at any time! I am always here to help take care of any expedited needs, local shipping needs, and full truck load needs across the country and locally around the Chicago area as well!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Custom Build


Last night Ken and I were bored and decided to look at the pictures of our house. When we pulled it up on the application Zillow the house showed that it was taken off of the market. We were so excited we basically started brake dancing. Kooter was getting so mad at us because he wasn't the center of attention for 30 seconds, so we were dancing like dorks and he was growling and howeling at us. Quite a picture!

Ohh! Funny story, I have mentioned before that I tend to get a little bit over excited about details. While I was driving home from work I was on the phone with my sister talking about design ideas (never a good idea). Some how we were talking about the closet in the master bedroom. It is not big enough! That being said, we came up with a plan to take out a chunk of my wall that goes to the guest room and turn an entire room into a walk in closet. Boom! My plan is to have a custom closet and have a little table in the middle of the room with a counter top and a vanity. It is going to be awesome!

If I have a custom closet, a workout room, and a awesome kitchen... I am going to be the happiest girl in the world!

Please call if you need my assistance with any hotshots, full truck load, local work, or airfreight!

-if we don't get a chance to talk today, HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND!