Monday Monday Monday... YAYYY! Ha Ha
This morning was the first time in a long time that I actually feel well rested. Ken and I spent a few days hanging out with our family and believe it or not, we actually went grocery shopping! Grocery shopping is something that would seem like nothing special, but we haven't gone since the middle of January, so it was much needed.
Saturday night we hung out with Ken's family, and that was such a riot! We were singing, dancing, and falling over laughing. Generally speaking, I am not a very good dancer at all... but the one move I seem to have nailed down is the moon walk. That being said, we just kept playing a bunch of Michael Jackson songs so I could keep doing my one move.
Sunday afternoon was a little disappointing, the Daytona 500 was on a rain delay all day, and then got rescheduled for today at noon. Last year I was a fan of Jeff Burton #31 but this year, I have officially switched! I am now a Clint Bowyer fan! (#15) He is racing for 5Hour Energy! Plus after the race for 1st place Jeff vs. Clint, Clint defiantly stepped it up and made it to Victory Lane.
Tonight I will be watching the race with Ken, so no one tell me the ending!!!